Brookside Bikes | Mifflinburg, PA
Earlier this year I had the opportunity to work with these two guys in Mifflinburg, PA. Daniel and John are brothers in a small community of diverse residents and devout Amish backgrounds. Brookside Bikes started in literally a barn, sound familiar, on the families plant nursery. Realizing the opportunity and unique area around Mifflinburg they decide to move to a more prominent location within the city and on the bike path. I was introduced to Daniel and began working with him and his team on the new space plan. We spent many hours on the phone going over new ideas, processes and details that seem to be forgotten when starting large projects like this. The design phase and procurement phase were all done remotely. Having good communication and lots of photos from Daniel was key in the success. Due to Covid changes I was presented with the chance to come and help the team with the actual buildout and opening of the store. I spent several days helping guide his team with merchandising, new strategies and the years of experience in opening new stores. I also spent many hours at the end of the day with Daniel and John learning and appreciating their culture. Really John and I also had many hours of playing Ping Pong at his house after long 10 hour days.
So what does this all mean for me and you as a potential client. 1st, I am here to help. I love working with local shops helping them get through new store builds, remodels or just refreshes. I have a lot of experience and learnings from years developing processes and learning from really fantastic people at Trek and within the cycling community. Ideas that are exchangeable even through other retail markets. 2nd. I care. Non of my previous clients or stores I have worked with are just numbers. I want to get to know you as a person and owner. This also helps understanding what will be successful for you and your team.
As I have started this transition from corporate designer to freelance I am reminded of so many good people and friends I have made over the years. I am hoping that my work with future clients will continue this path of learning, engaging, and creating beautiful/functional retail spaces for their customers. Visit the Retail page to find out more about pricing and offerings.
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