Blogs to read.

So I have to admit, I am not a blogger. It’s something that I really just don’t spend a lot of time doing. There are a few blogs that I do check out. Part of this because there are  a few Photographers who I really am curious about what they are doing. As a come across things that I think are important to share, I will. There is a new movement in photography today. Its all about sharing. I LOVE IT. It is exactly what the art of photography should be about. Too long have photographers kept secrets and not shared honest up and down moments. All access pass, that’s what I want to have when I look at a photographer. I want to know what didn’t work, or what mistakes they made, so I don’t repeat them. With that said. My favorite Photographer of today standards would have to be Chase Jarvis. Subscribe to his blog, podcast on Itunes. He is one of those photographers that not only are doing amazing things themselves, but they recognize other amazing photographers. Its not about just one person anymore, its the community. Read it. From his stuff, I am constantly surfing across the web learning new things, and seeing cutting edge work by some amazing up and coming artists. From one of his posts I stumbled upon another guy here in Atlanta that has some very noteworthy work and views. Zach Arias. His showing of his use of the white seamless background is great. Puts it in perspective for others. He also recently did a video for a blog called “Transform”. Great video!

Side note: I love photography, I love shooting, I love editing, I love staring at an image forever. It is my passion, I am not the best photographer in the world, such a person does not exist. I do it for the joys, the pursuit of happiness. The joy of seeing, inspiring, and being inspired. I love to teach, read, and learn everything about photography.

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